Education makes us aware about the whole universal creation and growth. Education provides us an intellectual , logical and optimistic attitude to grow more by doing right act at right moment in the right manner within the boundaries of human and moral values to achieve desired success, fame and comforts of material and social world. Ultimately, Education enriches us with 'The Divine Virtues', which are the foundation pillers for our real mission of human life i.e. to merge our departed soul in the real Creator and the ecer existing power we call him GOD.At KULWANT JOSHI MEMORIAL REGIONAL CONVENT SCHOOL we above mentioned 'Concept of Education', we have a very clear mission to mould the lives of our children in such ROLE MODELS, who will lead the whole universe towards the path of Real Peace, Progress, and prosperity by keeping pace with today's Challenging and Revolutionary Era as well as with the DIVINE MORALS of life by compassing every aspect Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, And Spiritual.
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